Friday, August 15, 2008


Well it's almost weekend time!! Yipee!! Jason's parents will be here tonight to spend the weekend with us. Jason has been working on building the shed quite a bit lately. We have been having such nice weather that he's been able to work on it. He has the forms almost put up, and is laying more concrete in the morning at 9:00am. It's supposed to get down to 52 degrees tonight. That will make it seem more like fall weather. The summer has went so fast! I can't believe it's the middle of August.

Well I don't have any news, I just wanted to check in and tell everyone hello!

Have a good weekend.



Rachel said...

Did you change your blog address? I clicked on my link and it did not go through. I put this address in and now it works.

Have a great weekend. Give the kids hugs and kisses!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the note! I had your old blog address so I am glad that you wrote. Hope everything is well in Iowa!
