Monday, August 11, 2008

It's Monday Already...

I cannot believe it's Monday already!!!! The weekends go by so fast! It seems like I just get home for the weekend and it's time to go back to work to start another work week. The daycare sees my kids more than we do. That's very sad. They are growing so fast! They all seem to do that so quickly. I cannot believe Jaron is going to be 5 next month. He changes his mind daily on what theme he wants for his party. Janessa is quite a talker. I think she says a new word everyday--just out of the blue. I did a little rearranging on my blog and added a few new pictures. Check them out!

Have a good day!


Rachel said...

I love all the pictures. Janessa is so cute showing off her muscles. I can't believe Jaron will be 5 either. It seems that my mom and I made the trip up there and we put Jaron next to a pumpkin...he was smaller than the pumpkin. Wow! Time goes fast! How are you doing? Love and miss you all!

Anonymous said...

Very adorable pics! I didn't know Jaron was into wrestling. I guess there's a lot I didn't know. I just read your profile -- NASCAR? Really? Plus, I don't even know the kids' birthdays! You're right -- they grow so fast!! Janessa is really changing each time I see her photo. I wish you could record her talking! The last time I saw you guys was Christmas 2006!!!