Friday, August 22, 2008

It's Finally Friday!

Well it has been a few days since I have updated. Hope everyone's week went well. Mine wasn't the greatest. There was some big changes made in our office this week that noone was expecting. Jason and I both haven't been feeling well. We both woke up Tuesday morning with colds. Neither one of us is feeling quite up to par yet. So I am definitely glad that it's the weekend. I have been very tired, and this cold thing isn't helping matters any. It will be nice to have a long weekend next weekend. We are going back to southwest Iowa. Jason's birthday is Saturday. I think we are to celebrate birthdays while we are back. Jason's birthday, Jeremy's is Sunday, Jaron's is September 25, Rachel's is September 12, and Jenna's was August 20. We have several birthdays all right together, so it's nice to celebrate them all at once. I don't think Rachel and Scott are going to make it back though because I think they have other plans for that weekend.

Jason is putting down rock for the flooring for our shed tomorrow. Then he has just one more pour to do, and all the concrete will be done. It has been a long process, and he still isn't done. He is gaining though.

I don't have any other news.

Everyone have a great weekend.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Well it's almost weekend time!! Yipee!! Jason's parents will be here tonight to spend the weekend with us. Jason has been working on building the shed quite a bit lately. We have been having such nice weather that he's been able to work on it. He has the forms almost put up, and is laying more concrete in the morning at 9:00am. It's supposed to get down to 52 degrees tonight. That will make it seem more like fall weather. The summer has went so fast! I can't believe it's the middle of August.

Well I don't have any news, I just wanted to check in and tell everyone hello!

Have a good weekend.


Monday, August 11, 2008

It's Monday Already...

I cannot believe it's Monday already!!!! The weekends go by so fast! It seems like I just get home for the weekend and it's time to go back to work to start another work week. The daycare sees my kids more than we do. That's very sad. They are growing so fast! They all seem to do that so quickly. I cannot believe Jaron is going to be 5 next month. He changes his mind daily on what theme he wants for his party. Janessa is quite a talker. I think she says a new word everyday--just out of the blue. I did a little rearranging on my blog and added a few new pictures. Check them out!

Have a good day!

Monday, August 4, 2008


Well we picked the kids up in Des Moines yesterday. Jason's parents met us there for lunch. They had a ball while they were gone. They had all kinds of stories to tell us. They missed us though because they asked us if we were going to go home to our house. It was good to get them home, but Jason and I also enjoyed our time we had together without them.

I put some of my favorite Christian songs on my blog today if anyone would like to listen to some.

Have a good night!
