Monday, September 14, 2009


Okay, I have become a Facebook addict. I am on it more than I am on my blog. So here is a little update. Las Vegas was GREAT!!!! We had a very good time. When we got back, I found out the Attorney's Office wasn't going to renew my contract. August 31, 2009 was my last day. So I get to search for jobs once again. YUCK!!!! I have had a few interviews since I have been off. So we'll see. Janessa and I spent all of last week with my parents. It was great to stay a little longer and see some people I hadn't seen for quite some time. I got to spend a lot of time with Dana, which was great!!!! We hadn't spent that much time together for years. Rachel and Scott were to get back from Las Vegas today. They spent Rachel's 30th birthday there. It was her first time to Vegas. I am anxious to find out if they had a good time. I am sure they did.

Hello to all of my Blogger and Facebook friends.


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