Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Recap

The weekend just flew by. They always seem to do that though. Jaron had his first soccer game on Saturday morning. His team lost, but they did very well. It is so cute to watch them play. They are so little, but yet do very well considering how young they all are. I got some good pictures of Jaron that I will try and get posted on my blog sometime soon. He had soccer pictures of the team and himself taken tonight. I can't wait to see them. I am sure they will be very good! Is everyone experiencing a little cooler weather these past few days? Saturday and Sunday were cool all day long and today, it rained most of the day and was very cool out. Tonight it's supposed to get down to 38 degress. I put on my winter pajamas. Tomorrow is only supposed to be a high of 65 degrees. It is definitely starting to feel like Fall. I love it!! I set up a Facebook page if anyone would like to join in and we can stay connected one way or another.

Everyone stay warm and have a good week.

Friends In Christ,

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Thanks for the birthday card and gift card. I got it in the mail today! Love you all,