Monday, September 29, 2008

What Happened to the Weekend?...

The weekends just go by way to fast! Most of our weekend, we were constantly on the go. My parents were up for the weekend, so they watched the kids Friday night so that Jason and I could spend come quality time together. We had a good time. We ate at Olive Garden and went to see a movie. After the movie, we went to a Mexican restaurant and had chips & salsa, and a few drinks.

Saturday was just NUTS! We had to have Toby to the groomer by 8:00am, Jaron had a soccer game at 9:00am. We went to the wrong field, so we had to drive to the correct field so that he could play. We got there in good time, he just missed the 1st quarter. They won their game again this past Saturday. After the game, I had to go get balloons for Jaron's birthday party at the Playstation. His party was from 12:45pm-2:45pm. He had 6 of his friends that attended. They had a blast! We ate pizza, opened presents, drank lots of pop, and the kids got to play. They had so much fun. Jaron has enough Transformers and Power Rangers to fill a room now. Then Saturday night, we all went to Disney on Ice. My parents went with us too. It was a GREAT show! Rachel, guess who we got to see? Both kids loved it, and sat through the whole 2 hours.

My mom was not feeling well late Saturday, so I took her to urgent care yesterday. She has a sinus infection and ear infection. We just tried to keep our distance as much as possible. I hope we all escape it!

My parents went home early this morning, and it was back to work to start another week.

I don't know what's wrong with my Hawkeyes right now, but they can't seem to do anything right. I think we need to pray for some better football playing.

Everyone have a great week.

Friends in Christ,

Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Been a While...

Hello everyone. It has been quite a while since I last updated. How was everyone's weekend? Mine was fine. Jason got me a massage for my birthday in June, so I went and got a massage on Saturday. It was WONDERFUL!!!! I could have layed there all day. I must say that I could get very used to them. They are very relaxing. Jaron had another soccer game on Saturday morning. They won their first game. They are so fun to watch!! I have been a little bummed since my Hawks lost their game on Saturday. They need to get it together!

I just finished watching Dancing With the Stars. Tonight was the first night of the season. It's on 3 nights this week, so I know what I will be doing. I really like watching it and don't miss it.

Not much else to report. Would love to hear from anyone!

Friends in Christ,

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Way to go Hawkeyes!

You gotta love them HAWKS!!!! What a game!!!! It has been raining since yesterday!! It is so soggy outside and very muggy. Of course the kids want to go out and play, but they can't. We are taking Jaron tonight to see the famous Lippizaner Stallions at the US Cellular Center. Janessa is going to stay with Mary and Jim. Tomorrow around 5:30pm, our church is having a balloon glow. The hot air balloons will take off from our church and return after their balloon rides, and glow their balloons. We are taking the kids to this. They will go nuts!! They LOVE hot air balloons. They fly over our house all the time, so they get to see them quite often.

Hawkeyes are #1!!!

Have a great weekend!

Blessings to everyone,

Monday, September 8, 2008

Weekend Recap

The weekend just flew by. They always seem to do that though. Jaron had his first soccer game on Saturday morning. His team lost, but they did very well. It is so cute to watch them play. They are so little, but yet do very well considering how young they all are. I got some good pictures of Jaron that I will try and get posted on my blog sometime soon. He had soccer pictures of the team and himself taken tonight. I can't wait to see them. I am sure they will be very good! Is everyone experiencing a little cooler weather these past few days? Saturday and Sunday were cool all day long and today, it rained most of the day and was very cool out. Tonight it's supposed to get down to 38 degress. I put on my winter pajamas. Tomorrow is only supposed to be a high of 65 degrees. It is definitely starting to feel like Fall. I love it!! I set up a Facebook page if anyone would like to join in and we can stay connected one way or another.

Everyone stay warm and have a good week.

Friends In Christ,

Monday, September 1, 2008

The Weekend Buzz

We got home around 6:15 tonight from Southwest Iowa. We stayed with my parents and Jason's parents. Scott and Rachel were able to come up as well. We were able to see all of the wedding pictures Rachel and Scott decided on. They are absolutely beautiful. You can definitely tell the guy knows what he was doing. It was really nice to have everyone together for lunch and birthday parties on Saturday. I know that Jaron is very happy with what he got. He got a lot of Transformers, which is right down his alley. And once again, we had a delicious meal at the Robberts' and ate until we were stuffed. The weekend seems like a blur. From the time we get down, I am constantly on the go seeing people that need to be seen before we have to leave again. It is total chaos. I love the time that we can spend with my family and Jason's family. It means a great deal to me. Our next trip back probably won't be until Thanksgiving. I just finished unpacking a few minutes ago and after getting the kids to bed, I wanted to do a short update. Hope everyone's weekends went good. It was nice to have a long weekend and the weather was beautiful all weekend long.

Comment to me (all of you) when you can. I love hearing from everyone.
