Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Is Winter Over Yet?...

Oh, my gosh! I am so sick of winter already and it's just beginning!!!! We got dumped on again last night. It snows here everyday! We have a good foot of snow here at least. It is bitterly cold! I would like to stay in bed all day with my electric blanket. The kids don't understand why they can't play outside. I think we are finally going to get a little break from the snow for a few days, but not the bitterly cold air. It is supposed to continue through the week. It took Jason an hour this morning to blade out our driveway.

I am back on Weight Watchers again and am doing very good so far. That was my New Year's resolution this new year. I want to lose everything that I have gained. I am also going to start working for Weight Watchers as a receptionist part-time. I think that will keep me motivated as well. I can't wait to get started!

Try and stay warm!


Friday, January 2, 2009

It's 2009!