Thursday, July 31, 2008

Thank You....

Hello all! I just would like to take the time to let everyone know who has been praying for me how much I appreciate it! It means so much that so many people care. I thank God everyday for all that I have to be thankful for. I have almost been back to work for a full week. Things have went pretty good. I am slowly improving everyday and getting stronger, but I still have a ways to go. Jason and I have been taking advantage of our kidless week. It has been nice. I do miss our kids though. I haven't even talked to them since last Saturday. It will be nice to see them again on Sunday.

Jason is building us a huge storage shed in our back yard. He was finally able to get the footings poured this week. Next is the walls. We have compiled so much junk over the years.

Have a great day!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Back in the Saddle....

Well it sure has been a long time since I have updated on my blog. As most of you already know, I was very ill for two weeks with sinus infection and strep throat. My ears were full of fluid, and after 3 antibiotics, I am finally feeling a little better. I was in the ER two different times. The second time, the doctor finally decided that I probably needed to be in the hospital. I was in the hospital for 2 days. I was having extreme anxiety attacks. Which I am still having, but I now have medication to help with them. I am also now on a different medication for the depression also. I have been off work for 2 weeks. My first day back was today. My doctor didn't want me to return until August 15, but I decided that I needed to keep myself busy. I will now see a therapist on an out patient basis. The last few weeks have been tough on all of us. Jason has had the full responsibility of the kids because I just couldn't take care of them. My parents came back up again to help. My mom has stayed another extra week. We take her to Des Moines tomorrow to meet my dad, and they are going to take the kids back with them for a week. Jason's parents are going to have them all next week. Then Jason's parents will get them back to us. It will be nice for a week to not have them because it will be my first full week back to work. So if I come home and am tired, I can just go to bed if need be. Jason and I will also be able to spend some real quality time together. We need this!!!! I hate to say this, but I am looking forward to a week to ourselves. It will be nice!

Everyone have a good weekend and blog me if you can. I love to get blogs from others.

Keep us in your prayers that I am able to get back on my feet and start feeling like I should again!

God's Blessings,

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Hello everyone! I had a GREAT birthday. My parents watched the kids so that Jason and I could go out and enjoy an evening to ourselves. We went to a movie and then to Carlos O Kelleys for drinks, chips and salsa, and the famous fried ice cream. Jason got me an all over body massage for my birthday. So that will be great when I decide to use it. It was the perfect gift. I got sick very early Sunday morning and have been sick since. I missed Monday and Tuesday from work. Today is my first day back. I am still pretty weak though. I had strep throat along with sinus infection. It really threw me for a loop. I am taking tomorrow off from work to make it a longer weekend. I had already planned on it before I became sick. It will give me one more day to also recuperate from being ill. We had a chance to take my parents downtown the other night so they could see the destruction from the flooding. They were totally speechless. They just couldn't believe it. They were astonished at how the water could have been that high and create such a tragedy.

Does anyone have big plans for the 4th of July weekend? I am not sure what we are going to do. Because of all the flooding this year, they moved the fireworks for another location with very limited seating. I doubt that we go. We usually don't. It's just too crowded and the kids are still scared of them anyway. We will probably just make it a quiet day with family and possibly grill out. We hope to let the kids play outside most of the day. It is supposed to be nice weather.

In closing, I want to leave everyone with a quote:

May the sun in his course visit no land more free, more happy, more lovely, than this our own country! Daniel Webster

Please have a safe and Happy 4th of July weekend.

Blessings to all of you,
